Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A Review and a New Year

I can't believe I haven't realized before how lucky I am. Isn't there a saying: those who have nothing to worry about will worry about nothing?

I've spent my "adult" years searching and searching for direction and fulfillment and desire. I've spent years regretting time gone past and fearing time to come. I've been secretly envious of my friends' accomplishments when I should be loudly celebrating. I've been embarrassed about my nothing when I should put it behind me. And I've neglected what I am, what I've made, what I've been passionate about, all in pursuit of creating a dream while hiding my head in the sand.

No more. What's worry, what's fretting if this or that fits me, what's crying about nothing? Even a bird is provided for, not the least for me.

And on the cusp of the new year, during this time of thanksgiving and family and review, I vow:

To look forward.
To create possibilities.
To make my self.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those are great resolutions! You're very right! A new positive outlook on your own life! ^_^

Happy 2009!