Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Sock again

Second sock: half done!

I keep redoing the beginning of socks--I always screw up the first three rows. At least this Manos yarn take up a lot of abuse, and I'm getting lots of practice at doing the beginning over and over again. I ordered some Lorna's Laces Shepherd sock yarns tonight. Its colors are so pretty and well, it was on sale. My brother likes to say that my mom and I will buy anything with even a dollar off--untrue, but it does tempt me to buy now instead of later. I wonder if sales are similar to the psychology of free items.

Strangely, I find myself now engrossed in knitting. I'm embarrassed and disappointed about putting my fanfiction project on hold--but I only have so much time each day beyond work and daily living--and I'm still interested in finding a research project. Time to time each day I'll still get ideas about DS and play with words and sentence constructions and atmosphere in my mind, but these only serve to nag me. I'm becoming lazier.

Speaking of lazy, I really must erg again tomorrow.

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